help.CFGB="""Uncheck to show only the ARexx Buttons on startup"""
help.CFGC="""Number of columns of buttons for ARexx programs\nChange takes effect after SAVE and RESTART"""
help.CFGD="""Check to NOT load archive list on startup"""
help.CFGE="""Editor for use with YamTools\n%F replaced with filename\n%S replaced with YAM screen name"""
help.CFGF="""Location of FlashFind program - required"""
help.CFGM="""Current Mail Directory YAM is using - required"""
help.CFGQ="""Location of QuickSort program - required"""
help.CFGR="""Number of rows of buttons for ARexx programs\nChange takes effect after SAVE and RESTART"""
help.CFGS="""Check to show as two separate windows on startup"""
help.CFGV="""Viewer and options to use for reading mail\n%F replaced with filename\n%S replaced with YAM screen name\nenter YAMTOOLS to use a MUI window"""
help.CFGX="""Yam configuration file to obtain information from"""
help.CFGY="""Check this to use YAM to locate folders (slower)\nUncheck to use the Yam.config file which is faster\nbut does not show number of mail in folder"""
help.CLST="""Double click to edit entry\nDrag&Drop to Sort"""
help.MDIR="""Currently defined Mail Directory - change on Config page"""
help.MLST="""Double click to READ\nSelect for ARexx Execution target"""
help.SLOG="""Match Any (OR logic)\nMatch All (AND logic)\nfor mail searching"""
help.SQUIT="""INTERRUPT will show results upto this point\nABORT stops ALL processing"""
help.SRC1="""Enter strings to Search for"""
help.SRC2="""Enter strings to Search for"""
help.SRC3="""Enter strings to Search for"""
help.SRCA="""Searches in ALL lines of mail for search strings"""
help.SRCF="""Searches From: Reply-To: Sender:\nlines in mail for search strings"""
help.SRCM="""Searches NON-header\nlines in mail for search strings"""
help.SRCS="""Searches Subject:\nlines in mail for search strings"""
help.SRCT="""Searches To: CC:\nlines in mail for search strings"""